A Brief History of Corporate Espionage

In the early 1700s, a French Jesuit missionary in China sent detailed porcelain manufacturing information back to France. In the 1800s, the British East India Co. hired Robert Fortune, a Scottish botanist, to travel to China and smuggle tea to help India gain a competitive edge in the tea market. And in 2018 and 2019, two Apple Inc. engineers were accused of stealing valuable trade secrets (photos and electronic files) related to Apple’s autonomous car program, Project Titan. Clearly, just as business has changed along with the technology we use daily, so too have the methods of spying. But the essence of corporate espionage–known also as industrial or economic espionage–remains unchanged.

2019-10-07T16:14:12-05:00September 27th, 2019|Investigations|0 Comments

Elizabeth Holmes & Theranos: From Innovator to Fraudster

When it comes to technological breakthroughs, the focus remains on paradigm shifts: everyone wants to take part in the next big thing, the next breakthrough that will revolutionize the way that the world works. As the self-styled Steve Jobs of the healthcare industry, Elizabeth Holmes promised investors this degree of innovation with her startup, Theranos. Years later, with Holmes’ criminal trial date announced for the summer of 2020, her Silicon Valley debacle creeps back into the national spotlight, positing her as a fraud rather than an innovator.

2019-10-07T16:15:55-05:00September 20th, 2019|Due Diligence|0 Comments

Globalizing the GDPR: Can Anti-Corruption Practices Withstand the Evolving State of Personal Data Protection?

May 2018 marked the onset of a series of data protection changes that appeared would impact just one part of the world. At this time, the European Commission enforced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), thereby intensifying personal data protection standards for EU-participatory companies. Any corporation operating or conducting business in the EU became subject to the updated criteria, whether an entity directly registered in the region or a foreign business targeting EU consumers.

2019-10-07T16:16:56-05:00September 6th, 2019|Cyber|0 Comments